Press and Magazine Publications
“Deep Reflections for a World On Fire: Two recent books by Victor Wallis” - San Francisco Bay View (September 2019)
In Dig Boston:
"UMass Boston Dispatch: the Mayor, the Music, and a Mission under threat"
"If We Don't Get No Contract--You Don't Get No Peace!" from the picket line of the Boston Marriot hotel strike
"Pressure from Below" on the National Grid lock-out, co-authored with Barbara Madeloni (a version first published in Labor Notes)
"Guest Feature: UMass Boston's Last Remaining Painter"
"Defending the Space where Dreams can Bloom"
"The Hot Hatchet in My Father's Chest (Yes on Question One)"
In Red Wedge Magazine:
"The Petrified and the Proletarian" (a two-part analysis of the work of Ta-Nehisi Coates in relation to Richard Wright) - Part One and Part Two
"Assata Taught Me Poetry" Part One and Part Two
"Just Don't Let it Happen Again" (Reflecting on the musical Pippin)
"Who Will Rule the Webbing of the World?" on E.L. Doctorow
In Counterpunch:
"A Bell Cuts Through the Noise"
"Ending the Need for Nursing Short Cuts"
"Waking up on Presidents' Day During the Reign of Donald Trump"
"The Hot Hatchet in My Father's Chest"
"Savage Calculations: On the Exoneration of Philando Castile's Killer"
"Does America Have a Gun Problem...or a White Supremacist Capitalist Empire Problem?"
"Don't Mourn Your Privilege, Use Your Power!"
"Resist, Protest, and Understand"
"Occupy, Five Years On: What the Movement Demand of Each of Us"
"Marching in the Spirit of the Real Dr. King: Report from the Street on MLK Day"
"When the World Fell Apart: Haiti, Six Years After the Quake"
"Locating the 'Black Body' in Class and History: What Ta-Nehisi Coates took from Richard Wright"
"The Best Book You Cant' Buy at the Mall this Christmas" (a review of Edmond Caldwell's Human Wishes/Enemy Combatant)
"Failing the Trump Test: Cops for Fascism"
"Do Lives Matter in Whitesville? Not if You're Working Class"
"Something to Be Thankful For: Struggles, Seeds...and Surprises"
"No Excuses, No Exceptions: The Moral Imperative to Offer Refuge"
"Against Moral Imposters: Mourning the Dead as Part of the World"
"After the Massacre at Umpqua"
"Assata Shakur Taught Me...Poetry"
"'The Whole Damn System is Guilty As Hell!'"
"The Limits of Optimism: E.L. Doctorow and the American Left"
"Rising from Sleep on Presidents' Day"
"What the Occupy Movement Demands of Each of Us"
"The Morning After with Michael Moore"
"A Review of the Weather Underground"
In Tufts Daily: the independent student newspaper of Tufts University:
“American Occupation: Think Rampaging Elephants”
“Academic Labor and the University”
“Towards a Coalition to Oppose US War on Iraq”
“I’m a Student and an Employee”